And Still We Rise: Women of Color Creating Community through the Arts

Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 3:30pm

Location: Doheny Memorial Library (DML), Friends of the USC Libraries Lecture Hall, Room 240

Type: DTaskForce, Artsforsocialchange

Genre: Employees, Cbcsa

Admission is free. Reservations required. RSVP beginning Wednesday, January 3, at 9 a.m.

3:30 p.m.: A Conversation with Women of Color Arts Leaders
USC Students, Staff, and Faculty: RSVP
USC Alumni: RSVP
General Public: RSVP

5:30 p.m.: Let’s Dance! A Participatory Dance Flash Mob
USC Students, Staff, and Faculty: RSVP
USC Alumni: RSVP
General Public: RSVP

Women of color have long been at the forefront of community building and social activism through the arts. Dance companies, music ensembles, theatre troupes, and other arts groups led by women of color have worked in distinctly collaborative, intergenerational ways to not only preserve their cultural heritage but also build vibrant, healthy, and engaged communities. Join us for two interactive events—a conversation and a dance flash mob—celebrating the powerful role that women of color arts leaders have played in building communities and promoting social change.

Schedule of Events:
3:30 p.m.: A Conversation with Women of Color Arts Leaders
Friends of the USC Libraries Lecture Hall
Doheny Memorial Library 240

Charmaine Jefferson, former executive director of the California African American Museum, will moderate a conversation featuring:

From International Association of Blacks in Dance:
Tiffany Rea-Fisher, Elisa Monte Dance, NYC
Marjani Forté, Experimental Artists, NYC
Kia Smith, South Chicago Dance Theatre
Ayisha Morgan-Lee, Hill Dance Academy Theatre, Pittsburgh

From Los Angeles:
Reena Esmail, Street Symphony
Jackie Lopez, Versa-Style Dance Company
Leslie A. Ito, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center
Gema Sandoval and Christie Rios, Danza Floricanto
Brigette Dunn-Korpela, B. Dunn Movement/Dance and Theatre Company
Zanaida Robles, Street Symphony

5 p.m.: Let’s Dance! A Participatory Dance Flash Mob
Ronald Tutor Campus Center, Grand Ballroom

Immediately following the conversation, Los Angeles–based Viver Brasil Dance Company will lead participants in a procession from Doheny Library to the Ronald Tutor Campus Center Grand Ballroom for an exciting and interactive dance event.

Additional Links:
International Association of Blacks in Dance Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube
Tiffany Rea-Fisher Twitter
Elisa Monte Dance Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube
Marjani Forté Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo
South Chicago Dance Theatre Facebook
Ayisha Morgan-Lee Twitter
Hill Dance Academy Theatre Facebook
Reena Esmail Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, Wikipedia
Street Symphony Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Versa-Style Dance Company Facebook, Instagram, YouTube
Japanese American Cultural & Community Center Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Gema Sandoval Facebook
Danza Floricanto Facebook
Brigette Dunn-Korpela CSUN faculy profile
B. Dunn Movement/Dance and Theatre Company Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Zanaida Robles Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube

Presented by USC Visions and Voices: The Arts and Humanities Initiative. Organized by Ken Foster (Arts Leadership), Rosalind Connerly (Center for Black Cultural and Student Affairs), and Tamica Washington-Miller (International Association of Blacks in Dance).

Photo (Dancer): Jason Skinner

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