BALL & Other Funny Stories About Cancer
BALL & Other Funny Stories About Cancer
A Performance by Brian Lobel and Gia Jones
Stories of Hope, Healing, and Advocacy: The Medical Humanities, Arts, and Ethics Series
Reception to follow.
Admission is free. Reservations requested. RSVP beginning Wednesday, August 29, at 9 a.m.
USC Students, Staff, and Faculty: RSVP
USC Alumni: RSVP
General Public: RSVP
Brian Lobel and Gia Jones come together in a quirky, provocative, and entirely unexpected performance about illness, the body, and change. Drawn from Lobel’s work about his own experiences with cancer over the course of a decade and a long-time collaboration with “alternative educator” Gia Jones, who has also experienced life with cancer, BALL & Other Funny Stories About Cancer is a bold, humorous, and profoundly honest look at the realities of cancer and the limitations of a conventional “cancer story.”
This event is presented as part of the Medical Humanities, Arts, and Ethics Series, which engages core issues facing the health of individuals and society. The 2018–19 series focuses on issues of stories of hope, healing, and advocacy.
Brian Lobel is a performer, teacher, and curator who creates work about bodies: politicized bodies, marginalized bodies, dancing and singing bodies, happy bodies, and sick bodies. After being sick with cancer as a young adult, he became fascinated with unique bodily experience and how it is conceived, discussed, and witnessed by others. The New York–born, London-based performer has shown work internationally in a range of mediums and contexts, from the Sydney Opera House to Harvard Medical School to the Lagos Theatre Festival. (Fun with Cancer Patients, Twitter)
Gia Jones is an alternative educator working primarily in urban environments to promote and broaden the multicultural history and stories of the communities with which she works. She holds a master’s degree in education with a focus on multicultural education and curriculum development.
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Presented by USC Visions and Voices: The Arts and Humanities Initiative. Organized by Pamela Schaff (Family Medicine and Pediatrics), Alexander Capron (Law and Medicine), Lyn Boyd-Judson (Levan Institute for Humanities and Ethics), Ron Ben-Ari (Internal Medicine), and Lynn Kysh (USC Libraries). Co-sponsored by the Keck School of Medicine’s HEAL Program (Humanities, Ethics/Economics, Art, and the Law), the USC Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics, and the Levan Institute for Humanities and Ethics.
Photo (Brian Lobel): Christa Holka